~The Resilient Sailor Jupiter~
Makoto Kino is an optimistic individual with a tough spirit and a keen personality. She is also one of the most talented Sailor Senshi - she can cook, do martial arts, play video games, ice skate, win arm-wrestling matches, and hey, she thought Haruka was kawaii! She was the fourth Sailor Senshi to appear, and although the planet Jupiter is actually an "Outer" planet, she is considered an "Inner" senshi. Her school uniform is different from the others at Juuban High mainly because the school didn't have any uniforms that would fit her. Usagi and Ami are two of her classmates. On several occasions, Makoto had to beat up some bullies that were picking on Ami and Usagi.  
.:Quick Stats:.
Toughness (scale from 1-10): 100

Eye Color: green

Hair Color: auburn

Height: 5'6"

Senshi Color:
green & pink

Best Friend: Rei Hino

Hobbies: cooking & martial arts

Birthday: December 5
.:Sailor Jupiter's Decoder:.
Try to identify these two blurred images - they can be anyone from Sailor Moon. The first one should be obvious, but the second one is pretty tricky. If you get stuck, feel free to email us with any questions.